Ninox Cancer Support Crew (NinoxCSC) is for adults 20-39yo with a cancer diagnosis, offering peer connection opportunities and age-relevant resources. This includes two free booklets - The Cancer Shitshow: a guide for the newly diagnosed and The Shitshow Companion: how to be a good friend during cancer. The books are funny and helpful with insights on relevant topics from people who’ve been there before.
Erinna founded NinoxCSC in 2020 as a not-for-profit initiative. During her cancer experiences and years of treatment in her 20s, Erinna was the youngest in the clinic (usually by decades). There were few opportunities to meet people of a similar age and even fewer services that provided support relevant to her stage of life. And shockingly, not much has changed.
Ninox Cancer Support Crew aims to fill this gap with helpful resources and information to assist with the specific challenges and concerns unique to this age group (e.g. fertility preservation, childcare, interruptions to work and study, financial instability, and long-term side effects). They also host regular member events to facilitate peer connection opportunities.

The Shitshow Booklets
To access the Shitshow booklets please follow the links below.